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WKS Platform Installation Guide

Option 2: Local Development Setup


🚧 This guide is currently under development 🚧
Please note that some of the information in this guide may be incorrect or subject to change as we continue to update and refine the content. If you encounter any issues, don't hesitate to reach out for support and contribute to improving the documentation!


⚠️ For Development/Test Environments Only ⚠️
The provided docker-compose files are recommended only for use in development or test environments.

Welcome to the guide for setting up the local development environment for the WKS Power Platform. This guide is designed to help you use Docker Compose to simplify and speed up the setup process. It is an ideal choice for developers who need a quick and efficient development environment. The guide covers everything from configuring Docker Compose to providing detailed instructions to ensure your setup runs smoothly.

🗂️ Guide Structure

  • Docker-Compose Files Overview 📦: Discover the core and additional components necessary for the setup, tailored specifically for development or test environments.
  • Customizing Environment Variables ⚙️: Understand how to effectively manage and adapt configuration files to meet your environment's requirements.
  • Installing the WKS Power Platform 🛠️: Follow detailed, step-by-step instructions to complete the Docker Compose setup, ensuring all components are properly configured and integrated.
  • Post-Installation 🚀: Check the installation results, understand how to access and use the platform's main components after installation.

📋 Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure you have:

  • A foundational knowledge of Docker and Docker-Compose.
  • Appropriate permissions to install and configure software on your machine.
  • Access to an environment suitable for development or testing purposes.

📝 This guide is part of our ongoing effort to provide clear and flexible documentation. It is continually updated to reflect the most current information. If you run into issues or have improvements to suggest, please feel free to contribute to our documentation or reach out for support.